Monday, 25 June 2012

A Touch of Wind

well.. THAT was a bit blowy.

50 miles yesterday morning, making use of the forecast hole in the weather (although the winds were still gusting hard) I could have left it later really as the afternoon got better but.. all good miles...

well, not ALL good..the run into Maidenhead and across to Windsor was excellent... (tail wind / flat) but at the turn for home, I got the wind right in my teeth..I was trying to eat and get a rhythm but felt like I was pedaling in treacle....thunk.... suddenly felt the road through the rear tyre...a slow puncture...

I tried pumping to see if it would hold air...(it did ...for 100m) and pulled over into the park and changed the tube. Can't complain really as it was my first puncture in months (actually, first this year and first on the not too bad really... ) it took a little while to get the rhythm back ...coming up the hill in Windsor Great Park at about 11 mph over the crest into a 16-18 mph head wind (estimated. based on forecast). the last stretch home was steady... the hill through Bagshot into Camberley (where I "bonked"* badly in Feb) went OK, just a nice steady plod. then home...

I felt that I'd got closer on hydration and feeding based on the advice from Shannon from Sponser . though not perfect, and I could have managed my recovery feeding a little better...

In other news.. last week we passed the £1000 mark in fundraising...thank you all so much, on behalf of Phil and I and Project Mobility....but we need to keep going...the more we raise..the closer to actually opening the Reskill Academy they get.... so...please keep retweeting/following/donating/supporting really will make a difference to many lives.

* For the benefit of our Non-Cycling viewers-
To "bonk" (or get the knock) - to run low on glycogen and energy and basically just lose any ability to push (akin to marathon running's "wall")

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